tim holmes

+64 21 024 20829

Consultant architects specialising in Conservation and Heritage Architecture

ServicesWe provide a full range of conservation architectural services;

Heritage assessment reports (for resource consent) 

Conservation Plans

Planned Maintenance schedules

Temporary Protection plans for both investigation and implementation work

Strategic development review and assessments 

Pre-Let inspections 

Expert witness reports and representation

Conservation, restoration and repair design and specifications

Architectural conservation projects from beginning to end

Adaptation and extension projects 

Design of new buildings to compliment, unlock or supplement existing Heritage buildings

Adaptive re-use / Interior fit-out design with experience in residential including multi-unit & aged care,  
hospitality, hotel, office, retail, commercial, office, judicial and ecclesiastical uses.

Contract administration and project management of small projects

Peer review / second opinion review of reports, plans, proposals etc

Heritage consultation - To provide specialist advice and guidance to property owners, tenants
(fit out design), project managers, architects, developers, contractors, district and city councils.

Tim Holmes is a Heritage Professional in relation to Christchurch City Council District Plan
Rule 9.3.4 Historic heritage, Appendix Heritage works plan and Appendix 
Certification of non-heritage fabric.

Heritageworks brings experience gained on a broad range of projects to bear on the problems faced by Heritage building owners and the need to apply conservation principles to buildings that represent our cultural heritage. Productive use is key to a buildings survival, this requires maintenance, adaptation or addition and often benefits from an strategic assessment before getting to the detail, taking care to conduct conflicting interests of both stakeholders, building fabric and its servicing requirements.

For previous employer’s principal Tim Holmes has been engaged with significant heritage buildings throughout New Zealand including the Christchurch Cathedral reinstatement project, the Arts centre of Christchurch, Turnbull House Wellington (all with Warren And Mahoney) and Christs College with Wilkie and Bruce. This builds on 15 years UK experience. He is currently engaged by Christchurch City Council Selwyn District Council Westland District Council and private clients working on a range of Heritage projects providing both reporting and project work.
About heritageworksTim Holmes  began his own heritage focused architectural practice called Heritage works in 2023.  
Tim is an architect, heritage professional, photographer and other doer who grew up on the South coast of England. He arrived in New Zealand in 2013 moving from Guernsey with his family and has lived in Christchurch since. He began work with architects Wilkie and Bruce, working on Earthquake  strengthening, including the Kitchen Tower at Christ's College, Bishop Julius Hall accommodation and the replacement Music Centre of Christchurch (The Piano), after working briefly with Context architects he joined Warren and Mahoney, where he worked on, among others, the Justice Precinct, the Arts Centre of Christchurch and retirement villages. Through these roles he has been involved with projects in Auckland, Wellington, Blenhiem, Westport and Dunedin and he has enjoyed experience of the wider kiwi cultural environment. He spent three years as Project architect and one of the heritage professionals on the Christchurch Cathedral Reinstatement project and carried out a post graduate course in Heritgage and Archeaology at the University of Leicester and qualified as a Heritage Professional under the Christchurch City Council District plan.  He began working on a number of Christchurch city council Heritage Building for the Parks team and providing expert witness work on the Christchurch City Council plan change PC13 & PC14. Tim is on the board of ICOMOS NZ and is happy to share stories of the wonder and challenges of working on these and other great projects.